Friday 18 November 2011

To improve relationship and solve problems with a partner

First, find an evening when the two of you will have some time completely alone. Turn off the phones, TV, etc. and have a conversation over a quiet meal about where each of you sees the relationship in the next three years. Don’t judge each other’s answers and don’t perceive his to be engraved in stone. Just listen and remember why you’re doing this exercise: you love one another!
After your meal, go into the living room. Each of you gets a tablet of paper and a pencil.
(You’ll want to use a pencil because there will be several thoughts that will need “fine tuning” later on.)
Each one of you will write down your greatest fears in regards to life and relationships. Then you will write what each of you percieves what your partner thinks about you: your body, your mind, your financial goals, etc.
Spend some time working on your answers. Then, after both of you have finished, exchange papers. Read the answers with as little prejudice as possible. You’re going to learn a great deal about one another this way! And remember: read without prejudice! Check the ego at the door and really hear one another!
Now… really talk to one another. open your heart and let it lead the discussion. .

Thursday 17 November 2011


20 minutes in a natural setting
Sit quietly by yourself somewhere in nature, in a garden, or looking at trees.
Be aware of your breathing and your body (the way it feels), notice the temperature on your skin, the way your heart and stomach area feel.
Then simply imagine what it might be like to be a tree. To live on purpose, being true to yourself everyday. Growing towards the sunlight and drinking from the earth.
When you feel ready, look at your body (your hands, your legs...) and consider the part of you that is like the tree, natural and on purpose, intelligent even without a mind to think and question.
Spend a few minutes considering the intelligence of your natural self - how you breath, grow and heal without thought.
Consider how your purpose is within your natural self.
Open to further peace, insights or simply enjoy the connection.
Thank nature for being such a wise teacher.

p.s-the exercises mentioned above are compiled from various sources for knowledge purpose and i hold no copyrights to them.If there is any matter of copyright infringement kindly bring to my notification.

Stress busting exercise

Take a breath. And imagine that you can feel your body, sense it. Not visualizing, but feelings, emotions and sensations. Feel your skin, feel and sense your stomach area (that's how you would know if you were hungry or not, afraid or not). Take your awareness to the centre of your body. Notice the subtle or strong shift in the way your body feels as you do this. Compare it to holding your attention in your head. It's subtle (not Hollywood) but is very, very helpful to learn to do. place your hand on your stomach to remind yourself to go there. It keeps you centred, it plugs you into intuition, it's a great stress buster and you can be more connected to life from there. In the head we feel the mind strongly and this is not helpful as the mind is going fast and getting nowhere. Notice in the day, that when you are most natural, most at peace, most happy you will be in your centre. When you are stressed or disconnected you will be in your head. So instead of letting it happen unconsciously, move yourself to your centre consciously.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

exercise to relieve anxiety

Place your arms out in front of you parallel to the ground with your hands clasped but index fingers forming a steeple. Think Charlie's Angels. With your eyes focused on your pointed index fingers, slowly form a lazy eight figure with your arms. Allow your eyes to follow the movement as your arms move from side to side. After a bit, either dizziness will replace your fears or more likely you'll find yourself feeling calmer. The movement allows you to engage your left brain and get the logic flowing again. Try it before any nerve-inducing situation especially before public speaking to relieve anxiety.